Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back in Buissness

Okay, okay. I know its been a while because I have been working on club penguin armies. Now that I have setted down, I am starting to get into this. I hope we can continue to post for you and I hope we have a good year.

~~Lime Pumpkin Team Lime Captain~~

Sunday, June 5, 2011

We Are Back!

With the technical difficulties we have been having lately, team Lime has not been able to update the blog... But! Not to worry! We have it all figured out! You can see that our entire layout has been redecorated! I hope that our team can continue to post and guide you all along though CP.

Waddle on Penguins!
~Lime Pumpkin
Team Lime Captain

Sunday, April 10, 2011

No Penguin Play Awards?

As you have probably seen in past years, Club penguin has put on a PENGUIN PLAY AWARDS. But, the peculiar thing is that it hasn't happend yet. The next party will be the Earth Day Party...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

EPF Card Game

Hey guys Morggg1234. Im here to tell you all that coming soon their is a new Clubpenguin Elite Penguin Force card game. I hope you all enjoy it.


Hey guys, Morggg1234 here. As all of you know Earth Day is coming soon, and Clubpenguin are all very excited. Here is a sneak peek of the party. I hope you all enjoy the party.


Furniture Glitch

Hey guys Morggg1234 here. Yesterday me and my friend Lime Pumpkin were on Clubpenguin and we relized that their was a - sign next to some of the numbers. When you take the piece of furniture out, the number goes highier. And me and Lime Pumpkin saw that you can take as many as you want from them. Try it, and when you do leave a commet at the bottem. Im Morggg1234, and I will talk to you soon.